Miracle on Beale Street
Book 1 in The Gonzales Series
Christian Contemporary Romantic Comedy
Miranda Gonzales and Tony Mullins have been tricked! Knowing that the two had clashed over a mysterious event years earlier, their spunky grandmothers plot to reunite them during a dream vacation in Memphis. Reluctantly surrendering to the wiles of their beloved mentors, Miranda and Tony must face the dark shadows of the past and conquer them once and for all.

Beth White

About Me
I grew up in the South, specifically North Mississippi, which has a rich tradition of fostering writers, storytellers, and musicians. I’m fond of both music and literature, so I amuse myself by teaching chorus and piano in an inner-city public high school by day, while conducting a secret life as a romance writer by night.
Anyway, I find myself, after more than half the years I’ve been alive, still married to my last college boyfriend. He still makes me laugh, he still gives me the warm fuzzies, and he still checks my tires, so I guess I’ll keep him. We somewhat successfully raised two young adults, who are both married and have begun producing amazing grandchildren. My cup runneth over.
Anyone who wants to know more about me should read my books and my blog. I am something of a hermit In Real Life, except in the classroom and on my computer, but I am very much interested in what makes my readers tick. And what ticks them off. And what makes them smile. So please email me here. I promise to answer.
A Gallery of People I Love and Things that Entertain Me (and vice versa)

Son and wife
Me with my 3 sisters and our mom
Book signing in my hometown, BooksAMillion Southaven, MS with my mom
My work family: Davidson High School Chorus
Singing an original composition with sundry relatives at the family Not-Necessarily-Talented talent contest
Teaching Bible study for kids

Me and my best friend of 39 years...his name is Scott
My son Ryan and his family
With my grandchildren, Roz and Judah

My daughter Hannah and husband
Somewhat Annual Family Quilt-Fest